China Europe… And then? …

China Europe… And then? …

10 min read


My overview of the ties between China and Europe, in light of new tensions and prospects.

China and Europe have had a long and close relationship, including trade partnerships and shared research projects. With China’s growing economic power, there has been increased competition between the two, leading to some speculation that could trigger a decoupling. This would entail high costs, as many companies have found profit in the close links between the two markets. The driving example is the Germans, the French, the British and then we Italians, where the total turnover of European companies in China was 730 billion in 2020, according to a study by the Chamber of Commerce of the European Union in China. A good slice of the market.

Without the same level of cooperation, there would be fewer opportunities for businesses to benefit from the mutually beneficial relationship. Only time will tell whether the two regions will remain close or whether increased competition will lead to decoupling.

The two sides have also clashed in the past, with Europe taking a stand against the human rights situation in China and China responding with tariffs. This tension has led to speculation that a complete “decoupling” of Europe and China could be on paper. Such a move would certainly have a major impact on the global economy, with both sides likely to lose potential profits. However, the reality is that both sides still have much to gain from maintaining the relationship, and it is likely that both will be motivated to ensure that any tensions are resolved.

From here it can be deduced, the possibility, that China and Europe could decouple is something that both sides should take very seriously. The economic implications of such a move would be dramatic for both regions and could have even more distant ramifications. It is clear that tensions are growing and if relations are not managed carefully, there could be major repercussions. While the hope is that cooler heads will prevail, the coming weeks and months will give us more insight into whether China and Europe will remain connected or whether that famous decoupling will actually come true.

Historical relations between China and Europe

China and Europe have a long history of cooperation and confrontation, with many trade connections dating back centuries. In recent years, however, political relations between the two regions have become more strained, with the potential for a decoupling, promoted by Western policies, of their economic ties. China’s growing economic clout and assertive foreign policies have caused growing concern in European countries, leading to the imposition of tariffs and other regulations. This has unfortunately created a situation where Europe and China could eventually drift apart, leading to upheavals in the global economy without seeing substantial benefits for each other’s economies and citizens.

In recent decades, there have been significant efforts to strengthen diplomatic and economic ties between the two powers, China and Europe. Although these efforts have achieved some success, there is a growing conviction in Europe, no longer just political, that a decoupling from China is necessary, both for economic, security and political reasons. European countries have become increasingly wary of the feared threat that Chinese influence poses to their sovereignty and autonomy, and are beginning to question the viability of the two powers’ close ties. See “a Belt and Road initiative, or Silk Road.

The European Union has also expressed the need for greater control over the flow of goods and services from China and is considering introducing a law that would restrict Chinese investment in Europe. It remains to be seen whether these efforts will be successful, but it is clear that the relationship between China and Europe is changing.

Lately, even in the wake of the Covid events and the Russian/Ukrainian war, tensions between China and Europe have intensified only because of differences in values, beliefs and perspectives on international politics. With both sides unwilling to compromise on these issues, it is unclear whether there is room for the two regions to cooperate in the future or whether there will be a complete decoupling of Europe from China.

Benefits of potential decoupling

A potential decoupling could open up the European market to new business opportunities from other countries, allowing them to benefit from a freer economy. China and Europe have had a strong economic relationship for many years, however factors such as recent political tensions and the emergence of new markets have put pressure on the partnership. What is the prospect of any decoupling?

It remains to be seen what the implications of such decoupling would be, but it could potentially create a new wave of opportunities for other countries to exploit.

It could also create more economic competition between China and Europe, which could lead to more innovation and a greater focus on trade and international relations. As China and Europe move away from their previous economic ties, this could mean a reshaping of global supply chains and increased competition between the two sides. This could have a knock-on effect on other countries, which would seek to capitalise on the new opportunities presented. Ultimately, it could be beneficial to both sides as they seek to create new ways to collaborate and increase their economic presence on the world stage.

Concretely, a potential decoupling between China and Europe could bring positive benefits in the future. Not only could it potentially lead to better economic relations, but it also has the potential to reduce current political tensions and enable better diplomatic relations in the future. In essence, successful decoupling could benefit both sides and could even open up new avenues of cooperation. Unless the Policy is able to intercept the relative advantages and guide future economic choices.

Challenges of achieving decoupling

China and Europe have an intertwined relationship, which makes it difficult to completely untangle their economies. The complex trade ties between the two regions have been one of the main drivers of their respective economic growth. The possibility of a “decoupling” between China and Europe? This could have a major impact on both economies, as the supply and demand for goods and services between the two could be significantly reduced. It’s not something either region would want, but recent political tensions between them could lead to a gradual but significant change in their economic partnership.

There is also a lack of political will in both regions to pursue decoupling, as it would be costly and could lead to further conflicts. This could mean a detrimental outcome for the global free economy and the stability of world markets. China and Europe are intertwined economically, with the two regions trading goods and services, investment and technology. Decoupling would be a blow to both sides, with businesses, markets and individuals suffering all the effects of lost trade. While the ramifications of decoupling are often considered short-term, what is unclear is the long-term outcome, which could be drastically different.

However, China and Europe are not yet on the verge of decoupling. Europe remains an essential market for Chinese goods and vice versa; Many European companies have relied on Chinese-made components for their products. Decoupling would not only affect the Chinese economy, but also that of European countries due to the close interdependence of the supply chain between them. Therefore, both sides are unlikely to choose this route without first carefully assessing all its potential consequences.

Possible solutions to establish a decoupling

Governments should focus on creating policies that encourage free trade and business between China and Europe, while protecting the interests of both sides. Ensuring that both China and Europe benefit from any partnership is key to avoiding a complete decoupling of the two. For example, European companies must have the same access to Chinese markets as Chinese companies have to European markets, which can be achieved through comprehensive free trade agreements. In addition, businesses must have access to redress and dispute resolution mechanisms that are impartial and fair, which can help build trust between the two parties. Ultimately, it is important to develop a mutually beneficial partnership based on trust and respect, rather than focused on competition and protectionism, in order to avoid complete decoupling between China and Europe.

Diplomatic dialogue between China and Europe should be encouraged in order to close the gap and resolve any problems that may arise from potential decoupling. Despite the complexity of relations and the ever-changing dynamics of the economic situation, both China and Europe have much to gain from promoting communication and cooperation. China looks to Europe as a potential partner in areas such as global trade, while Europe is keen to attract foreign investment. It is crucial that both parties maintain an open dialogue and operate in a spirit of mutual respect, in order to maximise the potential benefits that can be gained from this cooperation. Ultimately, it is up to both China and Europe to take the necessary measures to ensure continued progress and developments, which are only achievable if they are willing to engage in diplomatic dialogue.

In addition, organizations such as the United Nations should have the opportunity to help facilitate discussions between Europe and China in order to reach an agreement that will benefit both sides. This could give way to a possible resolution of the current issue of decoupling and restore stability to their bilateral relations.

What to expect going forward

A decoupling between China and Europe would likely result in higher tariffs and other trade restrictions for European companies, leading to reduced profit margins and decreased global competition. This could result in higher prices for both consumers and businesses, as well as less access to the technology and resources available in China to which they are accustomed. A China-Europe decoupling could also inhibit innovation, as Chinese firms may be less likely to invest in research and development in Europe. Ultimately, the economic ramifications of decoupling would be significant and detrimental to both parties.

The impact of a decoupling would not only be limited to the trade front, but could also lead to increased political and security tensions between the two regions. There has already been a lot of rhetoric coming from both sides, with China and Europe accusing the other of various activities. If decoupling were to occur, this rhetoric would likely intensify and the two regions could find themselves increasingly in conflict. This could cause instability in the international community and would likely require some form of intervention by other nations. Ultimately, it is something that both parties should take seriously and try to prevent, as its consequences could be far-reaching.

As a result, it is clear that China and Europe could benefit from decoupling, but it is complex and risky. By finding ways to cooperate on areas of mutual benefit, both parties can potentially increase their profit margins without sacrificing long-term relationships. Therefore, it is important for both sides to approach the situation with an open mind in order to find a more positive path forward.

New approach: derisking not decoupling

Given the challenges and potential disadvantages of a complete decoupling between China and Europe, a new approach has emerged: derisking. This approach aims to mitigate the risk in the existing economic relations between China and Europe, rather than severing ties entirely. Derisking involves implementing safeguards against economic, political and security risks, without completely dismantling the relationship.

Risk mitigation measures could include increased transparency, data protection and the establishment of joint research programmes to facilitate cooperation in areas such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology. These measures would help mitigate the risks associated with intellectual property theft, data breaches and technology misuse.

The European Union has already taken steps to reduce risk, with the establishment of the EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) in December 2020. The agreement aims to create a more level playing field for European companies operating in China and provides for greater transparency in investment screening. The agreement also includes commitments by China to prohibit forced technology transfer and refrain from conducting intellectual property theft.

In addition, there is growing interest in developing a “critical infrastructure club,” which would involve the United States, Europe, and other countries that share similar concerns about Chinese state-backed investment in strategic infrastructure projects. This could involve creating a set of standards for investments in critical infrastructure, such as telecommunications networks, to mitigate the risk of Chinese companies gaining control of those systems. See G5 as an example.

Overall, the derisking approach offers a more nuanced and practical solution to the challenges posed by China-Europe economic relations. By mitigating risks without fully decoupling, both parties can continue to benefit from the economic opportunities offered by their close relationship, while safeguarding against potential risks.

In conclusion, Europe and the West are wedged in the defense of their values, it is evident that the concept of freedom and democracy represents a fundamental value in the West, where freedom of expression, thought and will is guaranteed through liberal constitutions and the choice of governments by citizens. In China, on the other hand, the government is mainly concerned with the social growth of all strata of society, trying to find a balance between the concepts of freedom and the goals of growth. The results of the last 50 years are there that express the best judgment on the growth of 1400 million citizens. However, the West often criticizes some of China’s policies, such as those concerning the Uighurs, arguing that they represent a form of oppression against certain groups. the West itself does not always apply the concepts of freedom and democracy in the way it would like China to do, as evidenced by the way it fights Islamic extremism. In any case, it is important to recognise that there are different ways of conceiving and implementing freedom and that the policies of different countries must be assessed in their specific context, taking into account the different realities and needs of societies and individuals, in their majority, who represent them.

Ningbo, P.R.C.

First published on https://www.prandelliweb.com/2023/05/08/cina-europa-e-poi/

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